“Hiking Guy”, Cris Hazzard (“The Person You Want to Be” – Ep. 40)

Hiking Guy, in his natural habitat

Cris Hazzard – aka “Hiking Guy” – has built an ever-growing following of both devotees to the outdoors and newbies with his highly detailed, easy to follow, and down-to-earth online hiking guides.

Cris is on a mission to get people outside and appreciating the benefits of nature, knowing full well that this will help them feel renewed, restored, rejuvenated, and alive. He also knows that doing so will garner that much more support for protecting, preserving, and caring for our natural environment for the benefit and health of future generations as well as the Earth itself.

In this interview with Cris for The Person You Want to Be, I get the full backstory on how “Hiking Guy” came to be. You will hear how Cris’s interests and inclinations developed and eventually converged with a hodge-podge of skills and life experiences he acquired along the way to set the stage for the life he now leads doing primarily what he both loves and believes in for a living.

You can listen to my interview with Cris Hazzard here or watch it on YouTube here.

You can also subscribe to the podcast on any of the major platforms you listen on (including Apple Podcasts and Spotify) and/or my YouTube channel.

And check out the Hiking Guy website and YouTube channel, both chock full of helpful information and inspiring visuals to get you excited about venturing out yourself!

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Thank you, and please enjoy!

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